Release preparations

The CMS open data are released through the CMS open data portal. The preparation consists of several steps:

CMS data release preparations

  • “Legacy” reprocessing is defined for the collision data and MC

  • The data release is proposed for approval in the CMS Collaboration Board (CB)

  • The datasets are transferred from their CMS storage to the open data area (eospublic at CERN)

  • The metadata are extracted and parsed from the CMS-internal databases

  • The condition data (needed for running the jobs) are extracted as sqlite files and stored on the cvmfs file system

  • The computing environment (containers and VM image) is preserved and tested

  • Auxiliar information (list of good runs, luminosity information etc) is collected

  • Testing in the open data environment

  • Documentation for data usage and tools.

Based on this information, the open data portal records are prepared:

CODP data release preparations