Git Exercise

Follow these instructions to add a new file or to update a file:

  1. add a shh key for git authentication (needed to upload your changes) following the link in these instructions

  2. in your Linux terminal, git clone this repository git clone

  3. change to the cms-dpoa-getting-started directory in your local area

  4. if pip is not yet installed (check if it exists with which pip or which pip3), install pip following the instructions in

  5. check the messages, you may need to add a directory to your PATH variable with PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin" so that the installed program can be found

  6. run pip install -r requirements.txt (or pip3)

  7. remove files in the existing _build/html directory

  8. Run jupyter-book build .

  9. Check your local build in your browser: if you use WSL 2 linux, you can find it in file:///C:/Users/[USER]/[YOUR-DIRECTORY]/dpoa-getting-started/_build/html/intro.html

  10. make a new branch yourname-updates or a name of your choice in your local area with git checkout -b yourname-updates

  11. either update an existing file or make a new file with new content and add its name to _toc.yml

  12. build the book again and check changes

  13. add the changes to git in your local area with git add / _toc.yml in case you added a new file, or with git add / in case you upadted an existing file, and commit them git commit -m "Updated instructions"

  14. push the changes of your branch to the original github repository with git push origin yourname-updates

  15. you’ll see a message for your updated branch in the github web interface, you can make a pull request to merge your branch